SvgConversionOptions Class

Contains options affecting the behavior when a PDF page is converted to SVG.

public class SvgConversionOptions
PdfToSvg.NET (since v0.1.0)
System.Object PdfToSvg.SvgConversionOptions


SvgConversionOptionsInitializes a new instance of the SvgConversionOptions class


CollapseSpaceEmbeddedFontExplicit spacing between letters below this threshold will be removed and merged to a single text span when using an embedded font. The default value is 0.02.
CollapseSpaceLocalFontExplicit spacing between letters below this threshold will be removed and merged to a single text span when using a local font. The default value is 0.2.
FontResolverGets or sets an implementation that will be used for deciding what font to be used for text included in the SVG.
ImageResolverGets or sets a class that is used to resolve URLs for images.
IncludeAnnotationsDetermines whether annotations drawn in the PDF document should be included in the generated SVG. The default value is true.
IncludeHiddenTextDetermines whether hidden text from the PDF document will be included in the generated SVG. The default value is true.
IncludeLinksDetermines whether web links from the PDF document will be included in the generated SVG. The default value is true.
MinStrokeWidthGets or sets the minimum stroke width that will be used in the resulting SVG. If the PDF use a thinner stroke width, it will be replaced with this width. The default value is 0.5.

See Also

PdfToSvg Namespace
ToSvgString(SvgConversionOptions, CancellationToken)
SaveAsSvg(String, SvgConversionOptions, CancellationToken)